**Mickaël Ribardière**
Associate Professor / Maître de Conférence
IG research team ([Web](https://www.xlim.fr/en/research/mathematics-computer-science-image/image-synthesis-and-analysis/ig target="_blank")) - XLIM research institute - UMR CNRS 7252
Université de Poitiers ([Web](https://www.univ-poitiers.fr/en/)) - France
I am an Associate Professor at the university of Poitiers (France) since september 2013. I teach mathematics at the University Institute of Technology, in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department ([Web](http://iutp.univ-poitiers.fr/geii/ target="_blank")). My research in Computer Graphics is concerned with:
- Global illumination
- Material appearance
- Photo-realistic rendering
- Real-time and image-based rendering
(##) Contact
**Mail Adress / Adresse**
Département XLIM-ASALI
Bât. SP2MI, Téléport 2,
Boulevard Marie et Pierre Curie 86962 FUTUROSCOPE CEDEX
**Email Adress / Courriel**
**Tel.:** (+33) (0)5 49 49 65 96
[danielM]: http://d-meneveaux.blogspot.fr/
[benB]: http://www.sic.sp2mi.univ-poitiers.fr/bringier
[lionelS]: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lionel_Simonot
[pierreP]: https://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~poulin/
[simonS]: https://simoncourtin.github.io/
[adrienG]: https://beltegeuse.github.io/research/
[kadiK]: http://www.irisa.fr/frvsense/Kadi.Bouatouch/
[remiC]: http://cozot.free.fr/
[christianB]: http://www.irisa.fr/frvsense/GENS/cbouvill/
[arthurC]: https://h4w0.frama.io/pages/
[simonL]: https://simon-lucas.fr/
[romainP]: https://people.bordeaux.inria.fr/romain.pacanowski/
[pascalB]: https://www.labri.fr/perso/barla/blog/
(##) 2024
![ ](images/josaaElsa.jpeg height="98" border="2")
Data-driven correction for the masking model of Smith
*E. Tamisier*, **M. Ribardière**, *[D. Meneveaux][danielM], S. Horna, [P. Poulin][pierreP]*
Journal of the Optical Society of America A - Volume 41, Issue 9
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [DOI](https://opg.optica.org/josaa/abstract.cfm?uri=josaa-41-9-1777)
![ ](images/tog24.png height="98" border="2") A Fully-correlated Anisotropic Micrograin BSDF Model
*[S. Lucas][simonL]* , **M. Ribardière** , *[R. Pacanowski][romainP] , [P. Barla][pascalB]*
In ACM Transactions on Graphics - Volume 43, Issue 4, 2024 - Siggraph 2024
![](assets/img/icon-pdf.png) [Paper and supplemental](https://hal.science/hal-04567402)
![ ](images/josaa2024.png height="98" border="2")
Virtually Measuring Layered Material Appearance
*K. Xu* , **M. Ribardière** , *[A. Cavalier][arthurC], [B. Bringier][BenB]* , **M. Ribardière**, *[D. Meneveaux][danielM]*
Journal of the Optical Society of America A - Volume 41, Issue 4
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [DOI](https://opg.optica.org/josaa/abstract.cfm?doi=10.1364/JOSAA.514604)
![ ](images/ieee24.png height="98" border="2")
Visibility Evaluation in Microfacet Theory
*E. Tamisier* , **M. Ribardière** , *[D. Meneveaux][danielM], S. Horna, [P. Poulin][pierreP]*
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics - Volume ??, Issue ??
![](assets/img/icon-pdf.png) [Paper and supplemental](https://hal.science/hal-04490374)
(##) 2023
![ ](images/sigasia23.png height="98" border="2") A Micrograin BSDF Model for the Rendering of Porous Layers
*[S. Lucas][simonL]* , **M. Ribardière** , *[R. Pacanowski][romainP] , [P. Barla][pascalB]*
Siggraph Asia 2023 (Conference Track)
![](assets/img/icon-pdf.png) [Paper and supplemental](https://hal.science/hal-04220006)
(##) 2022
![ ](images/wet_surfaces.jpeg height="98" border="2") Chapter 7: A Virtual Goniophotometer for Modeling the Light Scattered by Rough Surfaces Covered with a Water Layer
**M. Ribardière** , *[B. Bringier][BenB], [A. Cavalier][arthurC], L. Jourdy, [L. Simonot][lionelS], Mathieu Hébert, [D. Meneveaux][danielM]*
Radiometry of wet surfaces, EDP Science
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [DOI](https://dx.doi.org/10.1051/978-2-7598-2931-6.c008 target="_blank")
(##) 2021
![ ](images/rounded.png height="98" border="2") SREC‐RT: A Structure for Ray Tracing Rounded Edges and Corners
*[S. Courtin][simonS]*, **M. Ribardière**, *S. Horna*, *[P. Poulin][pierreP], [D. Meneveaux][danielM]*
Computer Graphics Forum
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [DOI](http://doi.org/10.1111/cgf.14268 target="_blank")
![ ](images/TOGsc.png height="78" border="2") The source code of our ACM TOG paper "Microfacet BSDFs Generated from NDFs and Explicit Microgeometry" and Applied Optics paper "Design of rough microgeometries for numerical simulation of material appearance" is available on the [project page](https://virtualgonio.pages.xlim.fr/ target="_blank").
(##) 2020
![ ](images/sig2020.jpg height="78" border="2") Our ACM TOG paper "Microfacet BSDFs Generated from NDFs and Explicit Microgeometry" is presented at SIGGRAPH 2020
*8:30am - 9am, Thursday, 27 August 2020*
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [Project page](https://virtualgonio.pages.xlim.fr/ target="_blank")
![ ](images/AO_bsdf.jpg height="78" border="2") Design of rough microgeometries for numerical simulation of material appearance
*[B. Bringier][BenB]*, **M. Ribardière**, *[D. Meneveaux][danielM], [L. Simonot][lionelS]*
Applied Optics - Volume 59, Issue 16, 2020
![](assets/img/icon-pdf.png) [Paper](https://virtualgonio.pages.xlim.fr/papers/AOpaper.pdf)
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [DOI](https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.391254)
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [Project page](https://virtual-gonio.forge.xlim.fr/ target="_blank")
(##) 2019
![ ](images/papier_loubna.png height="78" border="2") Interactive HDR image-based rendering from unstructured LDR photographs
*L. Lechlek, [D. Meneveaux][danielM]*, **M. Ribardière**, *R. Perrot, C. Babahenini*
Computer & Graphics - Volume 84, November 2019, Pages 1-12
![](assets/img/icon-pdf.png) [Paper (5MB pdf)](articles/2019/rbi_paper.pdf)
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [DOI](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cag.2019.07.010)
![ ](images/tog_2019.png height="94" border="2") Microfacet BSDFs Generated from NDFs and Explicit Microgeometry
**M. Ribardière**, *[B. Bringier][BenB], [L. Simonot][lionelS], [D. Meneveaux][danielM]*
In ACM Transactions on Graphics - Volume 38, Issue 5, June 2019
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [Project page](https://virtualgonio.pages.xlim.fr/ target="_blank")
![ ](images/low_scene_jouet.png height="98" border="2") Efficient Rendering of Rounded Corners and Edges for Convex Objects
*[S. Courtin][simonS], S. Horna*, **M. Ribardière**, *[P. Poulin][pierreP], [D. Meneveaux][danielM]*
CGI 2019 Proceedings of the Computer Graphics International
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [project page (external link)](https://simoncourtin.github.io/publication/efficient-rendering-rounded-corners-edges-convex-object/ target="_blank")
![ ](images/livre.png height="100" border="2") Quand la matière diffuse la lumière
*[L. Simonot][lionelS], P. Boulinguez*
Presse des Mines, June 2019
Collective book
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [Publisher book's page](https://www.pressesdesmines.com/produit/quand-la-matiere-diffuse-la-lumiere/ target="_blank")
(##) 2018
![ ](images/TVCG.png width="100" border="2") Rendering Rough Opaque Materials with Interfaced Lambertian Microfacets
*[D. Meneveaux][danielM], [B. Bringier][BenB], E. Tauzia*, **M. Ribardière**, *[L. Simonot][lionelS]*
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics - Volume 24, Issue 3, March 2018
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [project page](/projects/il_tvcg_2017/ target="_blank")
(##) 2017
![ ](images/MAM-17.png height="100" border="2") Appearance of Interfaced Lambertian Microfacets using STD Distribution
**M. Ribardière**, *[D. Meneveaux][danielM], [B. Bringier][BenB], [L. Simonot][lionelS]*
EG Workshop on Manufacturing Appearance Materials - Helsinki (2017)
![](assets/img/icon-pdf.png) [Paper (external link)](https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B34Vc3pdRFi2eGVIbXh1bHZ0d0E target="_blank")
![](assets/img/icon-code.png) [Mitsuba plugin](/projects/MAM_2017/mitsuba_plugin.zip)
![](assets/img/icon-pdf.png) [Slides (external link)](https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B34Vc3pdRFi2SnkwckpaaU44UUU target="_blank")
![ ](images/distrib.png height="100" border="2") STD: Student’s t-Distribution of Slopes for Microfacet Based BSDFs
**M. Ribardière**, *[B. Bringier][BenB], [D. Meneveaux][danielM], [L. Simonot][lionelS]*
Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 36 (2017), Number 2 (Eurographics 2017 Proceedings)
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [Project page](/projects/eg_2017/ target="_blank")
(##) 2016
![ ](images/museum_LocalImp3D_1800.jpg width="120" border="2") A Spatial Target Function for Metropolis Photon Tracing
*[A. Gruson][adrienG],* **M. Ribardière**, *M. Sik, J. Vorba, R. Cozot, [K. Bouatouch][kadiK], [J. Krivánek](http://cgg.mff.cuni.cz/~jaroslav/)*
In ACM Transactions on Graphics - Volume 36, Issue 1, November 2016
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [Project page (external link)](https://beltegeuse.github.io/research/publication/2016_spatialif/ target="_blank")
(##) 2015
![ ](images/rc_vc_2015.jpg width="120" border="2") A radiance cache method for highly glossy surfaces
*M. Omidvar,* **M. Ribardière**, *S. Carré, [D. Meneveaux][danielM], [K. Bouatouch][kadiK]*
The Visual Computer: International Journal of Computer Graphics - Volume 32, Issue 10, October 2016
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [Project page](/projects/rc_vc_2015/ target="_blank")
(##) 2014
![ ](images/microfacettes.png width="120" border="2") Modèles de réflectance à base de micro-facettes : généralisation et mise en pratique
*E. Tauzia, [L. Simonot][lionelS], [B. Bringier][benB]*, **M. Ribardière**, *[D. Meneveaux][danielM]*
Journées AFIG 2013 - REFIG Vol. 8, Num. 2 (2014)
![](assets/img/icon-pdf.png) [Paper (external link)](http://www.irit.fr/REFIG/index.php/refig/article/view/190)
![ ](images/metro.png width="120" border="2") Rendu Progressif basé Metropolis-Hasting dans des scènes à contextes topologiques multiples
*[A. Gruson][adrienG]*, **M. Ribardière**, *[R. Cozot][remiC], [K. Bouatouch][kadiK]*
Journées AFIG 2013 - REFIG Vol. 8, Num. 1 (2014)
![](assets/img/icon-pdf.png) [Paper (external link)](http://www.irit.fr/REFIG/index.php/refig/article/view/205)
(##) 2013
![ ](images/eyeCentered.png height="100" border="2") Eye-Centred Color Adaptation in Global Illumination
*[A. Gruson][adrienG]*, **M. Ribardière**, *[R. Cozot][remiC]*
Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 32 (2013), Number 7 (Pacific Graphics 2013 Proceedings)
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [Project page (external link)](https://beltegeuse.github.io/research/publication/2013_whitebalancing/)
![ ](images/SF.png height="100" border="2") Spherical Fibonacci Point Sets for Illumination Integrals
*R. Marques, [C. Bouville][christianB]*, **M. Ribardière**, *L. P. Santos, [K. Bouatouch][kadiK]*
Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 32 (2013), Number 8
![](assets/img/icon-pdf.png) [Paper (7 MB)](articles/2013/CGF_SF.pdf)
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [DOI](http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/cgf.12190)
![ ](images/BMC.png height="120" border="2") A Spherical Gaussian Framework for Bayesian Monte Carlo Rendering of Glossy Surfaces
*R. Marques, [C. Bouville][christianB]*, **M. Ribardière**, *L. P. Santos, [K. Bouatouch][kadiK]*
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics - Volume 19, Issue 10, October 2013
![](assets/img/icon-pdf.png) [Paper (4 MB)](articles/2013/BMC_TVCG.pdf)
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [DOI](http://dx.doi.org/0.1109/TVCG.2013.79)
![ ](images/pvptCGI.png height="100" border="2") Visibility-driven progressive volume photon tracing
*C. Collin*, **M. Ribardière**, *[A. Gruson][adrienG], [R. Cozot][remiC], [K. Bouatouch][kadiK], S. Pattanaik*
CGI 2013 Proceedings of the Computer Graphics International
The Visual Computer: International Journal of Computer Graphics - Volume 29, Issue 9, September 2013
![](assets/img/icon-pdf.png) [Paper (2 MB)](articles/2013/vdpvpt.pdf)
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [Publisher link](http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00371-013-0845-x)
![](assets/img/icon-video.png) [Presentation video (23 MB)](articles/2013/vdpvpt.avi)
(##) 2012
![ ](images/pvpt.png height="100" border="2") Progressive volume photon tracing
*C. Collin*, **M. Ribardière**, *[R. Cozot][remiC], [K. Bouatouch][kadiK]*
![](assets/img/icon-pdf.png) [Paper (3 MB)](articles/2012/PVPT_talk.pdf)
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [DOI](http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2343045.2343086)
(##) 2011
![ ](images/pca.png height="100" border="2") Improving Performance and Accuracy of Local PCA
*V. Gassenbauer, [J. Krivanek](http://cgg.mff.cuni.cz/~jaroslav/), [K. Bouatouch][kadiK], [C. Bouville][christianB]*, **M. Ribardière**
Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 30 (2011), Number 7 (Pacific Graphics 2011 Proceedings)
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [Project page (external link)](http://cgg.mff.cuni.cz/~jaroslav/papers/2011-pg-lpca/)
![ ](images/volume.png height="100" border="2") Adaptive records for volume irradiance caching
**M. Ribardière**, *S. Carré, [K. Bouatouch][kadiK]*
The Visual Computer: International Journal of Computer Graphics - CGI'2011 Conference - Volume 27, Issue 6-8, June 2011
![](assets/img/icon-pdf.png) [Paper (3 MB)](articles/2011/adaptive_records/volume.pdf)
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [Publisher link](http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00371-011-0573-z)
![ ](images/surface.png height="110" border="2") Adaptive Records for Irradiance Caching
**M. Ribardière**, *S. Carré, [K. Bouatouch][kadiK]*
Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 30 (2011), Number 6
![](assets/img/icon-pdf.png) [Paper (3 MB)](articles/2011/adaptive_records/surface.pdf)
![](assets/img/icon-link.png) [DOI](http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8659.2010.01846.x)
PhD thesis / Thèse
(##) Simulateur pour l'étude de la visibilité dans les environnements enfumés.
December 2010
![](assets/img/icon-pdf.png) [Dissertation](https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00556718/fr/) (French)
(####) Abstract
> ![ ](images/these.png height="90" border="2") Light simulation can be used to study and analyze the visual comfort as well as the performance of lighting devices. To meet this objective, the used methods have to provide an exact solution to the global illumination problem. Another complexity is due to the fact that light simulation has to be performed for geometrically complex scenes and realistic photometric properties of light sources (artificial and natural) and materials. The goal of this thesis is to provide fast global illumination solutions for scenes containing participating media such as smoke. The smoke distribution and its density are scalable, and the observer moves through the virtual scene. This kind of solution could be helpful for fire emergency. After a complete analysis of the problem (light interaction with materials and with smoke), our work is divided into three parts. In the first time, we present a new method to solve the global illumination problem for surface objects based on the irradiance cache method. Our method makes use of records with an influence zone which adapts to geometry and lighting variations. We called this records adaptive records. With this method, the cache density can be controlled and high lighting variations (represented by irradiance gradients) can be precomputed and stored in the irradiance cache. Then, we address the global illumination problem for scenes containing static participating media. We propose a new method which is an extension to participating media of our work on irradiance cache with adaptive records. Volume records are created in the participating media depending on its scattering coefficients (diffusion and absorption). Finally, we extend this work to dynamics smokes whose shape varies spatially and temporally. To this end, adaptive spatio-temporal surface and volume records are introduced and used for interpolation purpose together with spatial and temporal gradients.
Others / Autres
Teaching and talks / Enseignements et présentations
- Présentation lors de la 2ème édition de l'école de printemps IVAR'2019 - Alger
- Apparence des matériaux: un élément clé pour le réalisme des mondes virtuels [Slides (in French)](https://mribar03.bitbucket.io/talks/seminaire.pdf)
- 2ème workshop Images, Graphique et Vie Artificielle Biskra 2014 - Algérie - [Slides (in French)](https://mribar03.bitbucket.io/talks/modeleApp.pdf)
- Formation Université de Biskra 2012 - Algérie.
- Mathématiques au département GEII de l'IUT de Poitiers